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Information About Family Law and How It Works

Common Child Custody Issues for Unmarried Couples in San Diego

In the modern world, it is not uncommon for couples to have children out of wedlock. When you and your partner decide to break up or separate, you will have to make major child custody decisions. Under the law, child custody issues for unmarried or unwed couples are different from that of married couples in several ways. Whatever you decide to do after a break up with your future ex should be in the best interest of your child or children. To avoid unnecessary issues concerning child custody, support, and visitation after a...

What are Your Visitation and Custody Rights as a Grandparent

Grandparents and grandchildren often establish strong emotional bonds. However, due to family problems, these relationships might be difficult to sustain. A death in the family, poor family...

Dividing Assets in a Divorce

Property division can be a contentious issue when couples divorce. Who gets the house? How will you pay the debts you own? What belongs to one of you or both of you? Dividing assets during a...

Find an Answering Service For Your Family Law Firm

Having an answering service would be critical to your family law firm's survival and growth. With the service at work, you will avoid simple mistakes in your family law firm, including missed calls,...

How Does the Court Determine if a Parent is Unfit for Custody?

Courts consider several factors when determining whether to grant a parent visitation or custody rights. Among the most critical factors is the parent’s fitness to take care of the children in question and provide a safe environment. Family court judges work under the presumption that it’s in the child’s best interests to have the two parents involved in his/her upbringing and care. Therefore, as far as proving the unfitness of a parent is concerned, there’s a high standard that ought to be met before a judge terminates or...

Filing a Restraining Order Before Your Divorce

A divorce proceeding takes both an emotional and financial toll on the spouses and might bring out the worst, even in the best people. When it comes to your safety and that of your children, you...

Common Reasons For A Divorce

Divorce is one of the most painful experiences in a person’s life. The process involves intense feelings, especially if it’s acrimonious. According to studies, many factors can lead to divorce. In...

What Does an Adoption Attorney Do?

The decision to start a family or add another family member to your family through adoption is joyous and exciting, but it involves complex legal requirements. Those who wish to expand their family...

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