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Information About Family Law and How It Works

Child Custody Issues Between Parent and Grandparent

Child custody is one of the most sensitive aspects of family law, and it is a common issue that arises as a result of a divorce. In California, child custody could be awarded to either parent, depending on several circumstances. Custody could either be sole or shared if both parents meet the qualification criteria to take care of the child. Since the law aims at doing what is best for a child, custody can also be awarded to the grandparents. This is often the case when the parents are deceased or are not physically or mentally...

Child Custody Issues to be Aware of

The state of California favors giving children access to both parents unless there is a legal basis to act otherwise. After the divorce is final, both parents should ideally get joint physical and...

How to Have an Amicable Divorce

Ending a marriage after years of trying to make things work may be the best decision you will ever make. Nonetheless, getting here is not always easy, and many people are too afraid to accept the...

Challenges for Children in a Divorce

Going through a divorce is not easy for the couple involved and their families. It may bring financial, emotional, and psychological constraints that affect many areas of their lives. As if divorce...

Protecting Your Assets in a Divorce

Marriages don’t always last forever and can end up in a divorce. Ideally, nobody imagines ever getting a divorce or wishes to, but it is a possibility a person can face. Understanding the fundamentals of the law when it comes to divorce and having plans that guarantee the protection of your assets before marriage is essential. It is crucial to avoid financial stress in addition to other challenges you are likely to be facing when divorce happens. Your biggest question now would be how you can protect your assets should you get...

Divorce Implications for The Breadwinner

When you marry your spouse, both of you are probably earning an income. However, life changes, and starting a family can affect your ability to continue working. Some couples opt for one parent to...

How to Prepare Your Children for Divorce

Divorce is a challenging life event for any family going through it. When undergoing a divorce, most spouses or parents focus on how to manage stress and how to develop coping skills. Most people...

How to Best Prepare Your Finances When Heading Towards a Divorce

The commonality of divorce has led many to infer that more than half of marriages don't make it, but other reports challenge this deduction. As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...

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