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Information About Family Law and How It Works

The Ins and Outs of Child Support in California And What You Need To Know

Seeking a divorce is not a decision a couple comes to lightly. There are many factors to consider: emotional, financial, logistic – and they all can be contentious and difficult to navigate. But, one of the trickiest parts of divorce is determining how to raise a child. Who will raise the child? What does custody look like? Where will the child live and go to school? How much will it all cost? After all, raising a child is an expensive, long-term commitment. At San Diego Family Law Attorney, we specialize in several areas of...

Surrogacy Law And What You Need To Know

The rise of modern medical technology has allowed infertile individuals to become parents through a process known as surrogacy. A surrogacy parenthood takes place when either parent is unable to...

Famous Child Abuse Court Cases

The child abuse laws across the United States provide harsh punishments for individuals that cause any form of psychological or physical harm to a child under the age of 18. If children under the...

Important Things To Know About Adoption in San Diego

Adoption is a lawful process of establishing parenthood rights over a child that is not biologically related to the prospective parent(s). If you have made the decision to adopt a child there are a...

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